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[E] AdZzZz7
[E] AdZzZz7
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over 13 years ago
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over 12 years ago
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Minecraft Username: AdZzZz7 Time of ban: 2 months ago person who banned you: Zionia reason for ban: I griefed somebody house It has been 2 months now since I did the grief and over this time I have really learnt my lesson. I have read all the rules properly and I accept them. I am very sorry for what I did. I am sorry to the Admins and mod that had to take time to repair what I did . it was a very bad mistake . I am hoping that I can be given a second chance. and that I will promise not to mess this 1 up. I'm am very sorry again and I will make sure to follow by all of the rules and be a Respectful player.
over 13 years ago
kk i find that highly unfair but i guess thats the rules ....... thanks for your help :[
over 13 years ago
yes i know but i didnt do most of the stealing. it should not be worth a permi ban please i have learnt my lesson
over 13 years ago
Name: AdZzZz7 Banned: about a week and a half ago Reason : Stealing :[ excuse: hello, i understand that what i did was wrong and that i should have followed the rules but i am a true minetown player i love the server alot and also have my own city (fortfortified) . as i play alot of faction servers i dont know what went over me . a mod showed us what we took and although i did steal i didn't steal alot at all. my friend did the most and i got banned. i really do understand why i got banned but it has been 1 and a half weeks and i have learnt my lesson. . i truly promise i will never steal again and can i please have 1 more chance. p.s- i have also got a city in minetown and are a dedicated player. i really want to come back in)
over 13 years ago